Emmett Russell was born May 2nd. My S-I-L Lindsey and I went to see him the hospital but couldn't hold him because he was on IVs and being treated with antibiotics.
So sad not to hold him, but we got a chance a couple of weeks later.
He sure is a cutie!

Something calms babies {and adults} being outside.

Admiring the little guy includes Aunt Kendra and Jan, above.

Kiana and Aunt Shannon

Her famous "glare" {she gives out lots of them; and then she will smile, it's just about the funniest thing ever!}

Future athlete!

Can't get enough of her hairdo. Seriously!

She's grown so much since we last saw her in December. Really makes me sad to live to far away, but then it is ever so special to see everyone again when we do!
Wednesday tomorrow already! Crazy.
Thanks for the feedback re: new blog design.
We still have one more nephew that someday I hope to get lucky enough to be able to take photos of. :)
Jen. You have done a great job of capturing Kiana's personality.
I think Kianna is such a cutie- her expressions are the best- glad you captured her "glare" : )
these pictures turned out great!! You captured Kiana perfectly!!
Oh, these are just adorable! Everytime I smile at Kiki, she always gives me the "glare", so it's great that you caught it! Of course, now that she's living closer to me, I'm hoping she'll see me more often and not be so unsure about me! And Emmett gotten so much older already!
You have a knack for getting 'that' picture. I just love looking at them! I wish you were here to take some pictures of me and Lanny but he probably wouldn't cooperate anyway. :) I am lucky if I get one picture for our Christmas card out of him. :P
We sure have a cute neice and nephew hey?! It's funny to realize that we share them. :)
These pictures are adorable! You have a cute neice and nephew!
These are so precious.
They're both so cute. You did such a nice job!
I love the eyes on the baby!
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