
Senior Portrait: Robert {Sitka Alaska Photographer}

Still more "sunny" photos here!

Robert's schedule is quite busy being in sports, but we were lucky to get another great day for photos.
A whole new realm for me photographing Senior guys, but he was a great sport.

He's a football player, can you tell? :)

I jumped for joy (well not literally---Robert probably would've really wondered how crazy I am) when I saw this shed on their property. Just awesome.

Thanks a million; Have a stellar senior year!! 


Jan said...

oohh, he's cute! I think you captured him well.
Don't worry there will be some color left for you, it might just be more muted- rusty oak leaves and the tamaracks. They are beautiful too, just in a different way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jennifer...these turned out AWESOME. Made me tear up a little!
