My friend Nora's little boy turned 3!
He was a little shy at first, but quickly became his outgoing, curious self.
Quite handsome he is!

Little brother joined the session for . . . maybe 30 seconds.
A future baseball pitcher, too!

All grown up!

All grown up!
ps. I am trying out the new watermarks.
Thanks to my graphic designer, Evelyn, for designing them.
She is wonderful to work with if you ever are in need of some design!!
pps. (feels like I am back in 4th grade writing letters to my cousins . . .)
I am finding it so much fun to photograph outside kids being kids. The more un-posed the funner . . . but it still is fun to do a few in front of the backdrop, studio style.
Hey... I LOVE them!! You got some adorable pictures, especially with all the distractions (glad your camera survived the pitch:) Now, how do I order?
You can give me a call or email or whatever.
To add my own p.s.-I do like the watermarks...visible, but not obtrusive (they don't take anything away from the pics)
Wonderfull photographs Jen! I love checking out your blog it gives me inspiration!
Thanks for the plug, Jen! I'm glad we got rid of that pesky white box behind the logo... Great photos! I hope things are going good for you down there in the lower 48! See you soon.
Very cute! I love his skin tones in the last picture :)
Great shots! LOVE the last 3 in the natural environment. That's the only way I shoot and it works well... most of the time. I find that if the parents bring tricks along in case the kids get tired, that helps... snacks, books, a favorite shirt. Just run on their schedule. Great work! Keep it up!!!
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